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This manual covers the following parts of Dilay:


In order to run Dilay, you need a graphics card that supports OpenGL 2.1 (for wireframe rendering the GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 OpenGL extension must be supported).


Pre-built installer for Windows is provided in the Download section.


Pre-built AppImage for Linux is provided in the Download section.

From Source

Building from source requires the following tools:

Firstly, get Dilay’s sources from GitHub:

$ git clone https://github.com/abau/dilay.git
$ cd dilay

Building is done via:

$ qmake -r PREFIX=DIR
$ make release

If GLM is not installed in one of your systems standard directories, add the argument


to qmake with GLM_DIR denoting the path where GLM is installed. Add the -jN argument to make for building using N parallel processes. Install by running:

# make install

If no PREFIX was given to qmake, Dilay is installed to /usr/local/.

Graphical User Interface

Dilay’s main window consists of several parts: the 3D view in the center, the toolbar on the left, the infobar on the right, and the the menubar at the top.


3D View

The 3D view covers most of Dilay’s main window. It shows the mesh that is currently being sculpted and the 3D coordinate system along with the current primary plane. The primary plane denotes the plane (XY, YZ, or XZ) which faces towards the virtual camera. Note that the primary plane changes when rotating around the gaze point.

The 3D view can be manipulated via the items in the view menu and features a context menu when right-clicking on a mesh.

Context Menu

A context menu can be activated by right-clicking on a mesh in the 3D view or the Scene section of the infobar.

When right-clicking on a mesh, the following operations are available:

When right-clicking on a sketch, the following operations are available:


The tools that are provided by Dilay are located in the toolbar on the left of the screen. There are two different set of tools: one for sculpting meshes and one for sketching meshes.

Mesh Sculpting

In the following, we look at the tools for sculpting meshes in Dilay.

The sculpting tools provided by Dilay change the geometry of the current mesh in one way or another. All these tools share some common parameters:

Dilay provides the following sculpting tools:


Using the tools in the Sketch section of the toolbar allows to sketch a first draft of a mesh. A sketch is a tree-shaped frame of nodes, where each node may have an arbitrary set of child nodes (Example). The first sketched node is denoted as the root of the sketch. The relation between the nodes of a sketch can be inspected by activating wireframe rendering. A sketch can be refined by drafting paths of spheres onto its surface (Example).

The following sketch-related tools are available in Dilay:


The infobar on the right of the screen shows different context-sensitive information:

The menubar contains the following items: